Growing In God



This week we are learning about how God can make things grow. God helps us grow tall and He can also help us grow in our love for him. Let's look at ways plants grow and practice growing this week too!



Let’s pretend we are flowers. When flowers first start out they are a seed, so curl up into a ball and get really low to the ground. Then the stem begins to grow up (tell children to stand up a little). The stem continues to grow tall and grow leaves (children move up more and extend arms like a leaves). The plant is then nice and tall and sometimes begins to flower (have children stand up straight and tall). 

God made plants to grow but they need several things to grow, such as sun, water, and soil. God also wants us to grow in our love for him. What things do we need so we grow in our love for God?


Let’s read or listen to the Bible story for this week. Matthew 13:1-23

When Jesus spoke to the crowd, how did he teach them lessons? (Through parables)

In this parable, what does Jesus say the farmer is doing? (planting his seed in the field)

Describe the 4 places the seeds fell. (on the paths, on shallow rocks, among other plants or weeds, on good soil.)

Which was the best place for the seeds to fall? (in the good soil)

What was different with how the seeds grew in the good soil and the other places it was planted? (The good soil gave the seeds what it needed to grow, nutrients from the soil, sun, and space. In the other places the seeds were choked out by other things).

There are things that keep us from growing just like the seeds couldn’t fully grow in the rocks, thorns, or on the path. We too want to have fertile soil, willing hearts, to grow in our love for God. 


Do this Fingerplay:

This is my garden (Extend palm of hand facing up)

I’ll rake it with care, (Rake palm with 3 fingers of the other hand)

Here are some flower seeds, (Plant pretend seeds on palm)

I’ll plant there.

The sun will shine, (Make a circle with other hand)

And the rain will fall, (Fingers flutter down)

and my garden will blossom, 

and grow straight and tall (Cup hands together and raise fingers upward and spread them out as they grow)

In the parable Jesus told of the farmer and the seeds, Jesus used something that they understood, like farming to teach them something new. The seeds in the story were like God’s word. The soil in the story was our hearts. Jesus was describing the way some people’s hearts accepted God’s word and some people didn’t. 


Using a clear plastic cup (or another plastic container) plant a seed in planting soil. With your child show them how to place soil in the cup and place the seed deep into the dirt. Water the cup and set it in the sun. Throughout the week check back on the seed and watch for any signs of growth below or above the soil.

Materials: car plastic cup or container, planting seed, planting soil


If you have the following seeds available show them to your child. (sunflower, pumpkin, bell pepper, cucumber, peach, apple, orange, squash/gourd) Discuss where seeds come from and take them out of the fruit or vegetable together if you have them on hand. As you explore the seeds discuss its color, shape, size, how many are in the fruit or vegetable and how to use seeds to make more of its kind. Once you are finished use these picture cards to match the seeds to its fruit.

Materials: variety of seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, bell pepper, cucumber, peach, apple, orange, avocado), printed seed matching picture cards


Activity sheet review matching of soils

Materials: printed parable soils activity sheet




Cut and paste the following flower together putting it in the correct place. Color and glue them onto a pot that you draw on the paper.

Materials: printed cut and paste flower



Coloring Page

Materials: Printed coloring page



Materials: printed coloring page

Practical Application at Home

Seeds that are planted in good soil have deep roots and also grow to produce fruits. When we have good heart soil, God’s word is planted in our hearts, it grows and we produce good fruits. Think of some ways we can produce good fruit.

Reading God’s word is the first step to planting God’s word but we must also DO God’s word. Here are a few things you can do at home this week to show that God’s word is living in you.

Obey your mother and father

Be a blessing to others around you

Be thankful for the things you are given

Use kind language

Share with someone in need

Additional Resources

Outings to Reinforce Lesson

Participation in a food pantry or serving food